Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Blog #5 Test Grade Due 1/31/17

Neil Gaiman, the author of Coraline and The Graveyard Book , as well as many other books, wrote:

May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.

...I hope you will have a wonderful year, that you'll dream dangerously and outrageously, that you'll make something that didn't exist before you made it, that you will be loved and that you will be liked, and that you will have people to love and to like in return. And, most importantly (because I think there should be more kindness and more wisdom in the world right now), that you will, when you need to be, be wise, and that you will always be kind.

And for this year, my wish for each of us is small and very simple.

And it's this.

I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.

Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're Doing Something.

So that's my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody's ever made before. Don't freeze, don't stop, don't worry that it isn't good enough, or it isn't perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life.

Whatever it is you're scared of doing, Do it.

Make your mistakes, next year and forever.

Please REACT to this quote at length, in your BLOG post this month!


  1. Going through your years of teenage life isn't always seeing rainbows and sunshines every step of the way. Unfortunately, several kids are defeated by the overwhelming level of stress that shoots in from every direction, making it hard to stay positive. When trying to explain themselves, their lost for words, almost like a knot had form in their mouth. At that point, the best thing to do is to read quotes related to what your stress about. I'll admit it, I've done it more than I can count.
    The quote by Neil Gaiman is something that everyone should take a chance to ponder about. It's about how the New Year can bring magical adventures along the way, but making big mistakes should be an essential goal for everyone to experience. My first reaction towards the quote was thinking about how it all made sense in the long run. People don't tend to think about “making mistakes” as an important part of life. Instead, they all want to be the lucky one winning the latest lottery ticket. They all want to ace their report card and become a better person in general. But behind all those victories achievements hides the truth of making mistakes. In other words, the quote is trying to explain how making mistakes takes you a step closer to success. In everything you accomplish, making mistakes is done before making it to the finish line. You need to “make mistake” in order to make the best of life. Afterall there's no better way to put it, “Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're Doing Something.”
    “ ...I hope you will have a wonderful year, that you'll dream dangerously and outrageously, that you'll make something that didn't exist before you made it”, the line states. This phrase describes how you shouldn't be scared to be the first one to explore new ideas. Everyone has a natural mental state of thinking “What if I fail?” They are frightened about embarrassing themselves when things don't turn out the right way. There nerves control the brilliant person they can be one day. Gaiman wants to convince you to chase for your dreams no matter how big or small. No one said you can't climb Mount Everest or build a new car model. Afterall, there's no better feeling than conquering your obstacles. Next time, try new experiences and stand up once more than you had failed.
    Last but not least, the general idea of this quote is telling you how kindness and love is such a key focus in getting through everyday life. Don't be the person to ruin someone's day by being mean in any shape or form. Instead, give compliments, be polite, and share laughters every second of the day. Make life worth living and show others the reason of being on such a beautiful Earth. Spread love everyone you go because you never know what the other person may be going through. “that you will be loved and that you will be liked, and that you will have people to love and to like in return. And, most importantly (because I think there should be more kindness and more wisdom in the world right now), that you will, when you need to be, be wise, and that you will always be kind.” Nothing is more valuable than having a kind heart, expressing love to the environment around you.

  2. In Neil Gaiman’s quote, he is wishing us that this coming year to be filled with magic and good dreams. He is also wishing us that we read some good books, make some art and surprise ourselves. This new year is a new chance for us to look back at what we have done wrong the previous years and improve ourselves. This year is a new chance for us to work hard and aim for our dreams. What we tried to avoid doing last year, whether out of fear, or anything else, we should face head on, as it is the only way for us to feel that we have lived the year fully. We should not have fear of what others say, and not have fear of something bad happening. Hopefully, this year all of us will gain some knowledge by reading some new books, or writing for our own pleasure. For those who love to draw or love to sing or build new things, hopefully, this year will bring them inspiration and motivation. If we work hard, the dreams of anyone and everyone will become a reality. Of course we will all face hardships this year, but we must find a way to overcome them.

    This new year also brings a new president who is a polarizing figure, with some people opposing him and some people supporting him. But no matter if you support him or not, we cannot allow ourselves to be brought down by this new change. People who hate him take part in violent protests, which causes people who support him to fight back. The Constitution gives us the right to protest peacefully, but not violently. But people do it anyway. As Martin Luther King Jr. said,” Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate only love can do that.” Thanks to him, this country has equality and we live up to what the makers of Constitution said, “That all men are created equal”. If our country has learned anything from Martin Luther King Jr., the people of this country should know that peace is the only way to achieve anything. The only thing that can get us through the next four years is peace and kindness.

    We control what happens this year, whether it will be a good year or bad one, an easy one or difficult one. We must make wise decisions, but not worry too much if we make any mistakes. Dream big, whether you believe that it will ever happen or not, and then work toward making that dream a reality. Make some new friends, or try new foods, or visit a new country, or even learn a new language. Do whatever you need to do in order to live life the way you want. At this age stress and mood swings start occurring more often. We forget that there was once a time when we felt relaxed and free from the stress of homework, extracurricular activities, school, etc. We want to work hard so that we can have a bright future. But we start to get consumed by stress, and we start to worry about the mistakes that we will make. We want to make sure that everything is perfect with no mistakes. But without those mistakes, we will not learn. We learn more from what we do wrong than from what we do right. This year we should all remember that if we calm down and make wise decisions in everything we do, our lives will have less stress and more joy.

  3. - Jahnavi Yandapalli

    Life isn't all about doing what you are comfortable with, but stretching outside of the box, and pushing past your limits. All the great people in the world did not just do what they are comfortable with and know what they can do, but they did extra, and that is how they became who they are. No need to go that far either, just look at our teachers. Everyone thinks that their job is really easy, and that teachers are born with good communicating skills. They also think that teachers have no fear of talking. This though, might not be the case for all teachers. Some of them may just be acting like they are all comfortable, though inside, they may be nervous and shaking. But, they are past that, and put a good example for their students, otherwise known as us.
    This all just leads to the fact that you need to make mistakes in order to achieve what you want. First of all, in order to achieve what you want, you need to push outside the box, and when you do that, you will make mistakes, whether you like that or not. Some people believe that mistakes are bad are are afraid of making mistakes, though that is not the case and they shouldn't be afraid. People should actually feel happy that they are making mistakes, because they should understand that they could possibly learn from the mistakes, if they allow themselves to. People like Albert Einstein surely made many mistakes throughout their life, but they don't let those mistakes put them down, but they bounce back from those mistakes and work even harder than before.
    As Thomas Edison said, "I haven't failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." This quote relates to the fact that Edison had to try 10,000 times before he created a lightbulb that actually worked. Even though he had to try so many times to get one that works, he never gave up and actually created a working lightbulb. Edison didn't quit after trying and making mistakes a couple hundred times, but continued making mistakes and trying again and again. This shows that Edison had a ton of persistence and that he never gave up throughout his many mistakes. Sure, you can make mistakes, but you need to actually have determination to produce something out of those mistakes and to grow from them. Everyone can make mistakes, but it is those who actually bounce back from those mistakes and work harder to overcome those mistakes and obstacles that actually succeed in life.
    Also, along with making mistakes, you need to enjoy your life and hope for the best, and then actually work toward that desired life. In order to enjoy your life, you actually need to work hard, as I had stated before. First, you need to think about what kind of a life you want by dreaming outrageously. The dream may seem outrageous at first, but anything really, can happen with hard work and persistence. Then, you need to set goals to actually make that dream into reality. If you just sit back and relax or just sulk around thinking that you can't accomplish that dream, what you want to achieve is not going to happen, sorry, but that is the hard cold truth.

    ****** My response is going to be continued in the next post because the word limit has been exceeded******

  4. ******Continuing from the post beforehand******

    Sometimes, life isn't all about you and only you, but about the people around you too. If you're just grumpy, mean, and rude toward them, they won't like it and they would do the same thing to you. First you would have the guilt of being the reason that they are sad and don't believe in themselves, and then you will be the one sad after they turn around and do the same thing to you. In order to not get into all this drama, you need to treat people with kindness, and you need to spread peaceful words that everyone likes and could get something out of. He wants people to be more kind and thinks that the world can benefit from more kindness, which I really believe in. I think that this world surely can benefit from more peace and kindness. Everywhere I turn, I see people being mean to each other on really silly things, when there are many more drastic things to worry about. So many people are rude and mean to Muslims, and are biased and treat them unfairly. Just because some Muslims are terrorists doesn’t mean that all are. Some Muslims actually may have came here to escape from all that chaos and then they come here to be treated unfairly and to get picked on. People say many rude things about them, like “Go back to your country. No one likes you.” How would that feel if someone does that to you? Not even going that drastic, people just talk bad about their culture. Does it really matter if some Muslims wear a hijab? Does that differentiate them from others? Nope. But some people don’t think this way.
    Disregarding the fact of Muslims, let’s talk about the different sexes. People are always talking bad of one sex, and are always being sexist toward one. People say that “girls can’t run” or “boys can’t sing” or “boys can’t croquet or “girls can’t play baseball.” This isn’t fair to some people because they can do these things, and people are just offending them by saying that they can’t. Some people may just shrug those comments off, while others might be deeply hurt and might not do that thing anymore. Then, some people here still comment on others because of their clothes. Now, that is a really silly thing to comment on, because it really just doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if you are wearing the newest Jordans or if you are wearing random old shoes. As the Golden rule goes, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” You need to keep in mind if whether you would like to have those comments directed at you. You should also keep in mind the old saying of, “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say it.” This is really true and relates to this because those comments which you may have just said for fun, have an impact on that person.
    This is all what Neil Gaiman is trying to stress in his quote. He want people to make mistakes and produce something out of them, and he wants everyone to dream, and dream big.

  5. By : Shreesaran Satapathy
    Many people in the world have made famous speeches whether it be long or not all of them had one thing in common they were all inspirational. It made people very happy and made them succeed, everything in the speeches are always helpful. This specific speech might sound weird when you hear what it is about but after you hear why it’s about that you’ll realize how important it is. This speech is about getting inspired to make mistakes pretty weird right. You’re probably thinking “Why do you want me to make mistakes making mistakes cause problems. Well let's find out why.
    In his speech he mentions that he wants you too make mistakes because it is good well if you are against him you are against me. I think it is good to make mistakes for the same reason that he does, because if you are making mistakes that means you are trying something new. Your trying new tasks whether it be cookin karate skating dancing work and a lot more. Most importantly it means that you are not scared and are not giving up. That is the most important thing I can grab from that.
    The reason I say it means you're not giving up and scared is because if you were scared then you would never try anything new. If you don't try new things you won't make mistakes so people will know you're scared. It also means that you give up too easily if you don't make mistakes the reason for this is because if you give up in the middle of something new then you will keep on giving up and will be perfect only at the things you don't give up on so you won't make mistakes on those, and people will know you’re a quitter.
    This speech had a huge reaction in my life because before I read this speech I always thought everything had to be perfect. After reading this speech I think I might just have eased up a bit and I think I might take things into consideration now and not worry about making everything perfect. I would also like to discover something new so that I could name it myself I would call it a lindergoon no matter what it is I discover. That is one of my dreams and if I can accomplish it through doing mistakes i’ll make as many mistakes as possible.
    Overall this speech was very inspirational teaching us a good leeson. Always make mistakes before I read this speech I never ever ever thought I would say those words and I guess I was wrong. This speech might have changed over 10000 people in the way they act yet it was written by only one person. As you can see here This person Is strong enough to inspire thousands be a role model for millions yet he did it all with a few paragraphs. If you ask me that is something to be proud of.

  6. "It's time to get a C for my G+T grade guys! Let's start by failing this blog grade!" Don't worry, I'm just kidding.

    You can find the quote "Everyone will make mistakes, but it's important to learn from them...blah blah blah." The way Neil Gaiman phrases it is different. And no, he doesn't mean to fail all of your classes and then get A's in them all of a sudden. The meaning of this quote is to just fix your mistakes or learn from them. It's that simple.I mean whichever idiot combined gasoline and fire together without knowing what he was doing, learnt from his mistake. People make mistakes all the time.

    People have really high expectations of things. They sometimes expect things to be perfect. Like your average Indian parents, they expect straight A's. But sometimes that doesn't happen. Who to blame? You made the mistake, and the only solution is to try again. People have negative view towards our 45th president, Donald Trump. People think him being elected was a mistake. Some blamed Russian hacking (a conspiracy theory) for his presidency. It wasn't a mistake. People can't accept him for who he is. But they'll have to do it though. In the 1900s, white people discriminated colored people. They thought that they were inferior and were a "mistake". They later started to accept them for who they are. Just like we'll have to accept our mistakes.

    New year's resolutions... they are practically impossible to achieve (exaggeration). You can't control how your year's gonna go. It could go well or go terribly wrong. Life is unpredictable, just like our mistakes. It takes a while for people to realize their mistakes. People may end up drunk driving and learn from their mistakes in the E.R. room the next day. Neil Gaiman wants everyone to make mistakes this year. Mistakes teach us new things.

    Neil Gaiman said to try new things this year. I tried veggie sushi... I regret that decision. He wants us to try something that we are afraid of. Like ziplining across a waterfall or bungee jumping. Neil wants us to try these new things because we aren't going to get another chance to do so after we can't do anything.
    We shouldn't be afraid to do new things, it might end up being great. You never know... or it might go downhill very quickly. That would be our mistake that we'll make sure we don't do again.

    This quote, in my opinion, is suitable for teens. Teens are always stressed out most of the time. They have trouble with things. They can sometimes be a hot mess and make a ton of mistakes (speaking of myself). Mistakes our part of our everyday lives. But just like other humans, we correct them. Though without mistakes how will we survive? That's why Neil is encouraging us to make mistakes. Without dumb mistakes our lives would be boring. Everything would be perfect yet boring. We even respect people's mistakes (and laugh at them). Take the show America's Funniest Home Videos, it is all about people making mistakes and people laughing at them. My point is that we need mistakes in our lives. We learn from them and in the future we look back we laugh.

  7. Life is something that isn’t smooth sailing. There are many bumps along the road, but we all get through them one way or another. Although there are many good things that happen and we should cherish them. The things that make us who we are, are the people and things we love, our laughter, our smile, and our kindness, but most of all the mistakes we make. The mistakes we make are because of the chances we take. It’s okay not to be perfect because no one is. Life would be boring if we didn’t take chances.

    Neil Gaiman’s quote teaches us that making mistakes is a part of life. They show that you are trying to do things you haven’t done before, and that’s a great thing to do. Trying new things means you are learning. That is something everybody deserves. No matter who you are, you deserve to learn. Learning is so important because the decisions you make and everything you do is because of what you know. One part of the quote that stood out to me is “Whatever it is you're scared of doing, Do it.” All of us have fears, and facing them is one of the best things to do. This ties right with making mistakes and taking chances. The only way to face your fear is by taking a chance with it. Either you won’t be afraid anymore or you will and that’s okay.

    Thomas Edison had two famous quotes that go really well with Neil Gaiman’s quote. The first one is “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” It’s true that you have to first be inspired to do something, but mainly you have to handle all the obstacles that come in your way because of it. You can’t let anything stop you from what you want. Even your mistakes. They make you a better person because you know what not to do now. The second quote is “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” This one is what I think ties everything together. You can’t fail when you try. Things might not always work out the way you want them to, but anything is possible to figure out. The more mistakes you make, the more you know about what does and doesn’t work.

    Altogether, in life you are going to make mistakes and it’s normal. They make each of us who we are. Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes, and accepting that is the best thing to do. When you don’t know what to do just keep trying. At some point, you will get it. Thomas Edison tried thousands of times to make a lightbulb, and he finally did. Like William Edward Hickson said “If at first you don’t succeed, try try again.” Mistakes are just more reasons to try harder. Neil Gaiman’s quote can be used in many cases, and interpreted in tons of ways, but in general he means that mistakes are good.


  8. G&T 500 Words - January

    By: Krish Desai

    “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” -Albert Einstein

    One very important thing about life is the ability to make mistakes, and that’s exactly what Neil Gaiman is wishing us. Everyone makes mistakes and mistakes are important, even the littlest ones because the teach you and you learn from those mistakes. Chances are next time, you probably won’t make the same mistake. This is because your brain is more aware of that mistake from past experiences when you are more aware of something, your chances of making a mistake are low. Mistakes help us try things because the more you try the better you will get. Mistakes teach and can be very helpful for the future. In fact, did you know that the x-ray, a super important health tool that doctors use around the world today was actually invented by mistake! No matter how many mistakes you make, Neil still wants you to make even more mistakes. No matter how much you want to stop making mistakes, Neil wants you to continue making them. Neil wishes for us to make as many mistakes as possible. Mistakes turn out to be very important in the end!

    The quote by famous author Neil Gaiman is great to keep in mind for the year. This quote is very important and can be interpreted in many good ways to help you out throughout the new year. The quote basically is wishing you to have a great year filled with fun and also gives you a few goals to try and complete. Neil Gaiman wants you to have good dreams or goals for this year to accomplish. Neil Gaiman wants us to achieve something that will do good for us. Neil Gaiman wants us to dream, even the most outrageous of dreams, even the most impossible dreams, and he wants us to achieve them. Neil wants us to dream big dreams that look or seem impossible. Neil wants us to have our heads in the clouds. Neil wants us to surprise ourselves this year by setting and achieving goals that we have never done before. Neil wants us to make some art and build some new ideas. Neil wants us to make our minds think more and make us creative. Neil wants us to learn new things and stretch our creativity to the maximum. If we create something new, your support group and many more people will love you! Neil wants us to have fun and go on an adventure through stories. Stories can lead us to a new land, and can also make you wiser than you already are. Stories can expand our thinking and knowledge. Neil wants us to be wise and kind, as he feels that there is not enough wisdom and kindness in the world. He wants us to have wisdom, and to stay smart, as well as being kind and friendly. He wants us to remember the golden rule at all times, treat others the way you want to be treated. He wants us to have generous and friendly nature. He also wants us to stay wise and be knowledgeable. Having these two traits will help us out in the future, as someone we have been kind to will be kind back, and being wise and knowledgeable will help us out in any situation. Neil, finally, wants us to have a lot of fun in the new year. No matter how many people bring you down, always stay happy and smiling. A smile can brighten both your day and the people around you. All in all, Neil’s quote is good to remember for the new year.


  9. In his quote, Neil Gaiman implements that life is a roller coaster with ups and downs along the way. To me, life is a very fragile thing. Each day I wake up, I try to make it the best day I can. Sometimes I achieve, and sometimes I just flat out don’t. People say, “You’ve only got one life to live, take your best shot.” I agree with that quote, because it’s true. You really do only have one life to live, and once it’s over, you’re on to a better place. Living life to the fullest is a concept that only a few people in the entire world population truly follow. Any dreams you have will end up as dreams if a person doesn’t act on them. What guarantee do you have that you’ll still be in the world the next day? Imagine you only have one day to live all your life-the adventures, the journeys, and the struggling through the bumps along the way.? What would you do?

    As Maria Robinson once said, “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” The average life span of an American is a short 78 years so if we are going to live life to the fullest, you’d better start today. We take for granted the simplest of things, like breathing. You take in about 28,800 breathes in one day so why don't you go out and create moments that take those breathes away because we have a few to spare.

    Living life isn't something we joke about though, I'm not trying to say we need to out and be crazy and do things that will jeopardize the chance to fulfill our lives but don't be afraid of having dreams that are totally far-fetched, taking a chance, making mistakes, and not being everything we can be. I can't be the only one out there who wants to arrive at my grave and be able to say, “Phew some peace and quiet.” While I'm around I want to take every opportunity, and make it reality.

    It is said that laughter is the best medicine, well it may not be medicine but it is one of the best things for you. It is said that laughing can even extend your life span. In modern times, studies have established 18 different kinds of smiles but the one that is most used is pure enjoyment. You don’t need to be happy just because someone cracked a joke. Why can’t people, like you and me, be content with the things that they already have in life?
    You may be thinking then why is it that people stop themselves from living fully. People but up a wall of thinking they can't do anything. Most of the time it is dwelling on the past. Negative people only see bad things in life, almost like a tunnel vision. Being around those negative people can eventually bring you down too. It happens when we start to agree with them and loose our passion about the everyday things in our lives. There are three kinds of negative people. One is dream killers, these are the ones who tell you things like the dream you possess are a waste of time. Crabs, the ones that are always around critiquing and holding us back. And constant complainers, these are the people that can always find something wrong with their lives and they are just downers. This all comes by people thinking life will never be good, so they can’t do anything to make it better.

    **Continuing from previous post**

  10. **Continued**

    Through this blooming adventure of mine, I have discovered one thing that always makes me happy no matter how down I am. And that is my friends. Without friends, who will you tell stupid jokes to? Who will you laugh out loud for no reason with? Who will you share the greatest moments with? Friends are the people who look out for you, brighten your day, cry with you, laugh with you, and smile with you. A life without friendship is like a life without a family; my friends are my family.

    There are many ways to create a happy full life. You can begin by replacing a bad thought by a good one. Make a list of things you want to do before you die, live day by day, go new places, reflect on the things you have accomplished, accept people for who they are, be realistic with the goals you set, and the most cliché of them all listen to your heart, you will always find the best choice.

    Remember, “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

  11. Without a doubt, Neil Gaiman’s inspirational quote is one that sticks like elastic tape in my mind. He is absolutely right—people need to have an optimistic outlook on life like he does. Unfortunately, many people in the world, especially kids, feel more pessimistic about things like social status, homework, and even everyday life!
    “I hope you have a wonderful year…”—this is the very first line to Neil Gaiman’s quote. If interpreted correctly, it explains how we all have a brand new year ahead, and that this is the time to start fresh and positive. My first reaction to this part of the quote was solemn understanding. A lot of people, including me, have felt down or negative at least once in their lives. Neil Gaiman urges all of us to “dream on,” to never let anything put us down, and he also wants us to “dream dangerously and outrageously.” This means that dreaming bigger and bolder than ever before would help in the long run. In my opinion, I believe that dreaming about something outrageously would make you wiser, which was another key element in the quote. If not for dreaming big, how would Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak have created the first personal computers of the technological industry?
    My second reaction to this quote was full agreement with Neil Gaiman. What he had stated was: “I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.” The sole reason why I comply with his idea is because it is an inevitable fact to face: all of us, even adults, make several mistakes in their lives. This is actually benevolent to us, because we are learning something that we did not know before. Even young children, for example, learn by making mistakes. It is simply human nature to face errors, even if they are the most drastic ones. However, many people feel afraid of facing this, especially if it means getting humiliated by other people in the process. This should not matter to anyone; everyone deserves a chance to make what is wrong into what is right in this world.
    My final reaction to Neil Gaiman’s fantastic quote is pure comfort. This author knows how to reach a reader’s perspective, and tries to successfully influence their mind. “Don't freeze, don't stop, don't worry that it isn't good enough, or it isn't perfect, whatever it is…”—this is my favorite part of Gaiman’s quote. For example, many people just give up on the first try of everything they do, and then they move on to something else. In my viewpoint, this will never help you get anything done in life. If someone goes to bed, knowing that the day he or she just went through was a total waste, then this quote is for them. Never give up—even if you make complete errors. Later on in life, it wouldn’t matter a bit whether what you did beforehand was enough to meet everyone’s satisfaction. This is the sole problem with our world today. Everyone wants to try and “fit in,” but I think that letting others determine your fate is a horrid way to live. What Gaiman is trying to say is to be yourself; no variable should change the way you are on the inside.
    In conclusion, Neil Gaiman’s quote is a very thoughtful, inspiring piece of text. To many, it may sound cliché. However, it carries out a true, golden meaning. Ironically, he is saying that you should stay the way you are as a New Year’s resolution, which is true. Positive outlooks on life will surely lead to success and much-desired fate in the future.

    By: Sennet Senadheera
    1/30/17 G&T Block—4

  12. -Abha Shah, IMS

    Everyone said that 2016 was so bad, and that 2017 is going to be awesome, so we need to make it awesome. I’m not saying that every single one of us has to make a new year’s resolution and achieve, it’s only one month into the year and I have failed, so need to try another way. We need to fill it ‘with magic and dreams and good madness.’ I know you can’t always control how things turn out, but you can keep in mind your previous decisions to make new ones. To make 2017 awesome keep in mind 2016. For this New Year, I am going to take these lines by Neil Gaiman into consideration especially the part where he encourages us to ‘make mistakes, next year and forever. I also like that he encouraged us to dream, to be creative, and to overcome fears. This line ‘you'll dream dangerously and outrageously, that you'll make something that didn't exist before you made it, that you will be loved and that you will be liked, and that you will have people to love and to like in return,’ basically sums up life for me. Creating new things, making mistakes, being with your loved ones and not forgetting to dream, this basic makes a perfect life.
    ‘...Make mistakes nobody's ever made before,’ this quote can just be an excuse to make mistakes, you can simply just say, “Well, that quote did tell me to make mistakes this year,” but think about it another way, think about it as learning from you mistakes and improving every single time. Making mistakes will only make you normal. ‘...don't worry that it isn't good enough, or it isn't perfect...’ because no one is perfect. At the start of every Year I will say to myself, “This year is going to be perfect!” but I forget that it’s the mistake that make it perfect. The new, glorious, and amazing mistakes. We are going to make this year perfect by doing whatever it is we are afraid of, because that gives us experience, it gives us room to make mistakes, it gives us room to make this year awesome and perfect. I totally agree with Mr. Gaiman when he says ‘if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world.’ I am really into art and when I make a mistake in it, I just make it look like abstract art and even if it was a mistake, now it is a pretty mistake that I am not regretful of. Mistakes give me opportunities to create something of my own, something unique and new, something that didn’t exist before I made it.
    ‘somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.’ I think I always surprise myself, recently I got a 102 on my math test, and just 2 days before that, my dad and I were talking, and he said, “we have already seen that we aren’t perfect you always miss the mark by 2-3 points so you have to make it up by doing things that include extra effort.” After that I thought I couldn’t get a perfect score, but, hey there, I surprised myself! One time I surprised myself when I tried to burp purposely, I actually did it, but only that one time. Surprising yourself gives you a special feeling, I usually get a sense of accomplishment and happiness, unless of course, I have surprised myself by doing something wrong. Then I get a sense of regret, guilt, sadness and anger all at the same time. I have high expectations from myself and then I forget that it was just a mistake, I get mad at myself.
    But leaving all the regret behind, I hope that you surprise yourself and that you make mistakes, but also learn from them. I hope that you never stop dreaming, never stop learning or trying new things. I hope that I never stop learning or trying new things, I hope that I create new things. I hope the we make this year, 2017 awesome, and we keep room for improvement so together we can make 2018 even better.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Life is a very vital thing. Something that everyone wants is a good year. Neil Gaiman’s perspective on a perfect year is full of magic.and good spirit. He also wants to send a message of using the new year as an opportunity. Using our year to read books and create art according to Neil Gaiman. In this topic I agree with him because I think in one year a person can do so much. So why waste the year when you can use it to your advantage. Every year people make New Year resolutions. Many people do and it is not a bad thing. We as people must continuously improve each other to the max. To me a new year is equivalent to a clean slate. You can start over. Start fresh as many say it. Improve on all the wrongs that have taken place the previous year, fix what has already been done.
    Just as many people say, you make mistakes and you can’t deny the fact. Making mistakes are apart of life. Many do absolutely nada with their mistakes. But the people in which learn from their mistakes will start each New Year greater than the last. Sooner or later you will see the positive difference in yourself. Remember control YOUR future, whatever you do, you are accounted for. I like to also think the New Year as a mold of a sculpture. The events that take place in your life shape the mold. At the end of the year when your “sculpture is made” a positive and fun year would show a nice sculpture as in the other hand a bad and awful year would show a bad sculpture. To me this is how I intake the concept of having a good or bad year in a shape of an analogy.
    Even if one year is not as great as you think it was, maybe your school year was horrible, someone close had a tragedy, or anything that might ruin someone's feelings or make them feel bad in general. You still have countless of years to have fun and enjoy yourself. Just because one year is horrible that doesn’t mean your life sucks or you're the unluckiest person on the earth. If anything it doesn’t hurt to improve and get better each and every day. Also what a lot of people don’t have in mind when they’re having a horrible day is the people around you. Now do you want to live every single year complaining to your mom or dad about something random. Sometimes us kids should just sit down and realize that we have so much things and people to appreciate. One key to having a great year is making sure the people closest to you are having a great year too. So that it is like a win-win situation because by making them happy you make yourself happy too. So next time you are looking for a good year follow these basic guidelines and have the best year yet!

  15. That is a phenomenal, practical, and a truly priceless hope or rather wish for someone. People usually associate mistakes with negative actions but they don't realize when someone does a mistake they gain an experience regardless of good or bad. They make mistakes and learn a lot. Making mistakes is an effective and sometimes a fun way to actually learn something different or unique.
    Honestly, I love when I make mistakes. All kinds of mistakes. Careless, childish, absolutely silly, mistakes full of knowledge, mistakes I don't even know I made, stressful mistakes, honest mistakes, and sometimes regretful mistakes. After doing mistakes of such kind, you have realizations, you learn what you're doing wrong, you learn new concepts, you learn what is the right way to do something and you learn that you are truly a human.
    I am so 100% sure that each of you have heard this from someone in your life, “Humans make mistakes” or, “People make mistakes. Nobody is perfect”. I believe these quotes are not taken the right way. “Humans make mistakes”, the pure meaning of this quote is that making mistakes is not a wrong thing, making mistakes makes you a better and wise person. Making mistakes is the proof that you are a true human. Human are wise, and they get wise by making mistake.
    I never really thought that I would like to wish one of my friends to make mistakes. Frankly, if anyone said that to me, my reaction would be, “Excuse ME!”. I know. Its hilarious but seriously, the immediate reaction of anyone to this one phrase would be similar. After elaborating, or giving that one phrase a deep thought, it may seem somewhat sensible.
    One of my favorite quotes about this topic is, “Of course I make mistakes. I’m human. If I didn't make mistakes, I'd never learn. You can only go forward by making mistakes.”. I like this quote because it explains the deepest and the most pure means of human nature.
    I have no clue how but people have this abstract conception that making mistakes makes you weaker but it is not understood by them that making mistakes can only make you stronger! These words may seem theoretical but they have great meaning and the absolute truth.
    It may seem outrageous but really funny to me that I have a favorite mistake. I remember when I was experimenting on different things to put in coffee and I had added heavy cream, chocolate sauce, chocolate powder, and two more extremely silly ingredients - Honey and Sour Cream! After it was one, I tasted it. End of the World! It was like someone wanted revenge and had dumped a bunch of incompatible items in my very delicate mouth. Oh my good gracious! I had taken responsibility of drinking it all, therefore, I had to. It seemed like days I was drinking that one glass of coffee, but I finished it! After that I did good research on what and what not to put in a coffee. Even though I did have the time of my life drinking that “amazing” coffee, I learned how to make a good one.
    In conclusion, mistakes are stepping stones to success. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake - even a really outrageous one! Having a good time and learning as you go is the best that can happen.

  16. The passage that I had just read is an amazing piece of writing literality, but the message it is trying to send across does not seem as exceptional as it should be, moreover as exceptional as it could be. Last year, honestly was more of a meme year than anything. I hate to say it, but this year is proposed as a better year for society, but so far we have been the exact opposite of what we should have, or at least could have turned out to be. But, we made so many mistakes in 2016 that we shouldn’t have made, and this is telling us to make more mistakes in 2017, but obviously not as foolish. According to this passage making a mistake is a good thing, but is it really? Think of it, you try your hardest on one test, but you make mistakes resulting in a bad grade. In this case making mistakes isn’t that positive. This poem is not sending the correct message it should be across, but it’s selling it well. In my opinion making mistakes is a part of life that’s true, but you shouldn’t be influenced into doing so, but instead make it so it’s saying you CAN. Also, the poem is telling you to dream beyond normal standards. That’s honestly the highest point in the poem since it’s telling you to dream full on beyond your expectations and how well the wording was persuading you to go higher and above what you would normally do. That is a great example to follow in life, and dreaming is living in my opinion. Why shall we dream if we don’t dream above what we can do in life. Dreams aren’t meant to be realistic and it is good that this passage is trying to send that message across to us. That in my opinion is the only high point in this passage. Life shall not be taken as just another thing in the world. A new year is something wanted, no something that is needed. The only issue is the way Neil interprets on how to use this new life versus on how reality will strike you is the one thing that makes me superbly mad. You must live wisely just like this man wants you to. I agree with some of the stuff he says, but most of it is just not something you should prioritize.

  17. I gotta admit that these quotes were fantastic! I mean, all of them describe the wonderfulness and joy of life honestly! As we’re growing up and getting more homework and projects, we forget to stop and think about some of the most important things we have received in this life such as loyalty, friendships, laughter, etc. To hear quotes like these can really lift up someone’s spirit, thinking about the horrible and cruel and gloomy events going on in today’s world. When’s the last time you heard a small boy rescuing a cat from a tree on CNN or any other news reporting channel? A good act of kindness is barely ever on TV these days! And now with Trump as our President, I have a feeling it’s about to get even worse! Sorry, let me correct that, it’s about to get “worser” after what’s going on in Syria and the international disputes with China and North Korea and Russia! Seriously people, where can you find peace in this dark, dark world?

    The author talks about the coming years that are full of excitement! Every year that begins gives us a fresh start at new opportunities, learning new skills and advancing/pushing yourself to the limit! A new chance to chase again towards our dreams and learn from our “mistakes”! Now, there’s another thing! There are some sections of this small piece of literature that talk about how gloriously, amazingly making our own mistakes are! Because only a person who fails/makes mistakes knows really what to it feels like to achieve something or reach the sky! If not for mistakes, there’d be no way possible to try new activities, explore the world, learn some extra knowledge and a whole lot more!

    All in all, this short poem has a lot to admire! All of the info in this passage was really meant well and was described perfectly! What was in this writing piece was a true work of art! In fact, what Neil Gaiman had to offer in these quotes were more than just mere words, they were like a shining beacon of hope/light!

    - Aditya Katariya
    Blog #5

  18. "The Graveyard Book" and "Coraline" were all well received novels which dealt with sensitive and serious topics. Therefore, it is only natural that the author of those two amazing books also has a very open outlook on life. This quote by Neil Gaiman is very true to life and really resonates with me. Mistakes must be made for improvement, and improvement only branches out from mistakes. As Thomas Edison once said, "I have not failed, I have just found 1000 ways that will not work." If you keep that positive outlook on your struggles, you'll find it easier to persevere.
    We all make mistakes in life, whether it be in our social life, private life, or even in our sub consciousness we can make mistakes. The only way to change it for the better, the utilizes absolutely everything given to us, is to learn from said mistakes. Examine them. Ask yourself, what went wrong? Don't just simply brush it off as an error and say it's no biggie. take the time to self-reflect and delve deeper into just what is causing these mistakes. Find it, and fix it. That is the only way to truly achieve what you desire.
    Neil Gaiman expresses his thoughts fluently in this wonderful quote, as he talks about his wishes for the new year. He wrote, "I hope you will have a wonderful year, that you'll dream dangerously and outrageously, that you'll make something that didn't exist before you made it, that you will be loved and that you will be liked, and that you will have people to love and to like in return. And, most importantly (because I think there should be more kindness and more wisdom in the world right now), that you will, when you need to be, be wise, and that you will always be kind." I wholeheartedly agree with his take on the world and life as we know it. Everyone wishes that they'll leave a footprint on this world, even after they pass, not just being another face among billions. Everyone wants to make a change, and Gaiman encourages you to do so. Spread positivity, and kindness. The world is in a rough state right now, and the people are being divided by beliefs and customs. Just like he says, "there should be more kindness and wisdom in the world right now." Take a step forward. Even if you fall, get back up and keep running. Obstacles will block your way to the goal, but weave your way through them. To fall, get up, and continue. That is the ultimate goal everyone should hold in their heart of hearts.

  19. This is a great quote written by Neil Gaiman.
    Humans always make mistakes, but they get serious about it. If someone makes a mistake, they take it the wrong way and get angry. The thing they don't know is that everyone makes mistakes and humans are supposed to learn from them. I agree with what Neil Gaiman said in his quote, "Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes." because you learn from your mistakes. You learn something new that can help you be a better person.
    All you need to do is explore new things. And by exploring new things, make mistakes, because it's no fun living a perfect life (even though we all want to).

    After reading this wonderful quote, I feel like doing something new this year. I want to read more books, participate in more extracurriculars, and do something for our community. Neil Gaiman, in his quote, is saying that we should all do new things. We should try to do different things that we haven't ever done. If we try something new, we learn something new. Once I read this quote, I realized that I want to do something new, something that I have never done.

    Neil Gaiman also says in his quote, "and that you will always be kind." He is pretty much saying that he wants kindness in this world. We should all be kind to one another.

    This is a fantastic quote written by Neil Gaiman and I think that people should make mistakes and learn from them, as well as be KIND. The one thing that we should never forget is:
    1) Learn from your mistakes.
    2) Always be KIND

    By: Aditi Parekh

  20. Throughout the first paragraph or so of this quote Neil Gaiman tries to explain how he wishes that the best things happen to us this year. For example he said that he would like you to surprise yourself. In the coming parts of his quote, he explains that he actually wants us to make mistakes this year. At first, when I read that, I thought the teacher had posted the wrong quote, but then I realized that he actually was saying that mistakes are going to help us earn in the future. I actually like his idea of wish people make mistakes because that is when they are exploring and learning new things. Neil Gaiman wants people to make mistakes and keep making mistakes over the years so that they can learn and explore lot of new things. He wants us to know that there is a lot more to the world than how much we already know about. He is making sure that we get to understand and get to know as much, of the world, as we can. I actually like is way of saying what he feels for everyone. He starts off with something very sweet, and he then he says that he wants everyone to make mistakes. But, he doesn’t stop there, he explains clearly what he means when he says that he wants people to make mistake. I like how he starts off with something that would catch everyone’s attentions, and then he send the message out to his audience right away. He has a very unique way of expressing his message. Even though he has a very unique way of expressing his thoughts, he still gets his message across very clearly to his audience.

    Besides his writing technique, he is a person who has a very good point in this quote. He wants us to have a great year and all, but he wants us to learn from our mistakes. It is okay if you make mistakes, as long as it is forgivable and you learn something from it. He explains that the only way you will learn new things about life is if you realized what you have done wrong, and try to fix your mistake.The only way you can do this is, the next time you make a mistake sit down, relax, and think about what you did that was wrong. And then try to fix the mistake somehow, and learn something from it. For example, next time you would be more careful, and not make that mistake. No matter what type of mistake you have made, you can always learn something from it, that would make you a better person.Overall, I think that Neil Gaiman had a very strong, and unique way of expressing what he thought. Also, I think that this quote is very inspirational, and I think I learn a lot from this quote.

    -Dhruv Patel

  21. Awesome thinking! I think everybody loves this quote!

  22. The three quotes are wonderful and lesson learning experiences The first quote is very optimistic because in it, Neil wished everyone the very best. His wishes were very specific. For example, he wished everyone to be kissed, and everyone to create a piece of art. If I was a person who knows nothing about life, this would be the first thing I want to hear because it’s positive. It gives me hope that everything will be wonderful, that nothing wrong will ever occur so keep doing what you were doing.
    However the second quote is by the older Neil who’d seen life. Who understand the positive and negatives, but still wants to be optimistic. His wishes were general, since he said that “I hope you have someone to love”. Basically saying that You can have people to love who are not your boyfriends or girlfriends. One thing I don’t like about this quote is that he said “I wish you dream outrageously” as in just dream, don’t do it, otherwise there will be consequences. But, I do understand why he used dream instead of a word that would hint one to practically be outrageous and dangerous. To Neil, the world needs to be wise at the time when everything is taken offensive. Even the friendliest jokes ends up offending people. I agree with Neil that this world needs to mature up instead of saying that’s racist to something so far from being related to race.
    The last quote is by an even older Neil, who realized that he was wrong about life. Life is all about trying, and failing, and keep trying, and if you succeed, try to be even better instead of stopping there. This is why Neil said to make mistakes, because if you don’t make mistakes, you aren’t human or you’re not ready to face the world that’s why you play way too safe. To avoid failing, one plays safe and loses opportunities to accomplish something better than what you already have. Humans make mistakes, that’s what sets the apart from machines. When machines make mistakes, they malfunction and stop operating, but when humans make mistakes they learn and try to perform better next time. However in today’s world, mistakes are considered sins, an act which can never be forgotten. When others criticize one for being human, the person halts in life, and doesn’t learn from his/her mistakes. Instead, he/she performs worse than before because to them no one appreciates what they do, so they stop trying. For example, my mom is the kind of person who doesn’t allow one to grow and learn from mistakes. It’s not like she taunts me, but she seems disappointed when I fail or perform lower than her expectations. She has the right to do so, since she works day and night so I could be the very best, but one she needs to understand is that I try my best, and no matter how hard I try, sometime I have to fail. Because If I don’t, I’d never get the chance to grow and perform above her expectations.
    Overall, the three quotes, are written by a man at different stages of his life. The first one is when he’s young, and believes he could accomplish anything, and the world is a fairytale, where everything ends well. The second quote of his when he understands life, and encourages others to be optimistic because by being pessimist, you’d never accomplish anything. The last quote is by a man, looking back on his life, realizing, mistakes are what made him who he is. Which is why he encourages others to make mistakes as well.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Life isn’t always perfect. We live in a world where we make plenty of mistakes every day. But this is nothing to be ashamed of. This is something we should be proud of. Now at this point I BET that you would be asking, “Why should we be ‘proud’ of our mistakes?”. I won the bet, didn’t I? You should be proud of making a mistake because you can learn from it. For example, if you failed a social studies test because you didn’t study, you can study for about 10-15 minutes every day before your test, and you can see the major difference between the before and after.

    Neil Gaiman’s quote is very inspirational. He’s trying to show us that it’s okay to make mistakes. Never be afraid of them. I know you guys try to not make mistakes. I know you guys want to live in a world where no one makes a mistake. You have to admit though, living in a peaceful, wrong-free world would be VERY boring. Can you imagine NO ADVENTURES?! NO FUN?! As A.P.J Abdul Kalam once said, “Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from from them and start again”.

    In conclusion, if you make a mistake, don’t freak out. Just learn from your mistake and move on. Don’t ever stop making mistakes. It’s the only way you learn. As Neil Gaiman said in his quote, “Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody's ever made before. Don't freeze, don't stop, don't worry that it isn't good enough, or it isn't perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life. Whatever it is you're scared of doing, Do it. Make your mistakes, next year and forever”.

    ~Sneha Saravanan
