Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Blog #6 Test Grade 500 words Due 2/28/17

Don't Be Afraid to Fail.  Be afraid NOT to try.

React to this quote.  What does it mean to you?


  1. We try to read a book or write down our feelings to release stress, but sometimes it's just not going to cooperate with your inner voice. That's when you should turn to Google and search up quotes related to your struggles, and silently read them to yourself. What people tend to do it skim through the letters, give it a quick glance and scroll onto the next one, finding them completely useless. We all need to understand how to comprehend what the author is trying to tell us, the important message behind every word. It's the little things that can make us accomplish so much .
    “Don't be afraid to fail, Be afraid NOT to try”, are a few simple words, put together that can be the change to someone's life. This phrase holds a deep meaning, somethings that's meant to be shared with everyone of every age. We all have rough days, the never ending lectures and embarrassments that seems to be forever stuck in our brains as the first thing we think about each day. Weeks, months, and even years can pass by, but that one negative memory makes you feel so worthless and stupid in the inside, holding us back from accomplishing dreams we've always wanted to do. I'm not going to lie because I've experienced it before, but no matter how hard you try to wash away those types of moments, it only gives you a bigger headache. Soon enough, even the pep talks your best friend or your favorite cousin is giving you doesn't even work anymore. That's when the quote comes into play. Us as human beings, we have new opportunities every morning to do something incredible or something that someone has once called impossible. Wake up with a positive mindset, respecting your flaws and don't let negative vibes pass your barrier. We can't let one mistake, one failure hold us back from expressing our ideas and feelings. We can't be afraid of hearing the haters whispering rude gossips about us. We simply cannot let any negative energy distract us from living life to the fullest. Instead, the mistakes we made should be something that comes in one ear and out the other. Learn from it, push yourself up once more than you fell, and continue on with the positive foot. Let that mistake be the eagerness and determination you use to be better. Don't be afraid to fail is telling us to stand up even stronger than the last time you got knocked down by an disappointment. Because one day, you can turn around with a silent voice, showing all the haters what an accomplishment you've completed and say “Watch Me” . Afterall, always put faith over fear, don't be afraid of failing.
    The second part of the quote , “ Be afraid NOT to try” is stating the fact that doing what's comfortable isn't going to get you to be the world's greatest swimmer. You should always be pushing yourself beyond limits, and never settle for what you already know. Instead, try something new and experience the fascinating world that you didn't know about. There's always new things out there that you don't know about, so what's the harm of trying something new. Don't be a coward following the line and learn how to start your own line. Never give up and don't be scared to think outside the box, reaching for bigger goals. You should only be afraid if you’re not trying, you should be proud if your doing the impossibles.

  2. Sometimes, we all have a hard time. We struggle with things and get really aggravated and try to find a way to calm ourselves down. Some of us just resort to falling down to our knees and creating a tantrum or some resort to other stress relieving activities. Where does all of this stress come from? When someone gives up on something or is having a hard time, they think that something isn't possible to achieve. It's like me not willing to go on a really high roller coaster ride because I know I will freak out. But sometimes we have to keep in mind that we shouldn't be afraid of doing something new. We shouldn't be afraid that we won't succeed at something, but instead fail. Instead we should be afraid of "not" trying.
    That's where the quote,"Don't Be Afraid to Fail. Be afraid NOT to try", comes in. Before our current generation, there were many scientists. Now, not all discoveries happen in a day. All the scientists and inventors followed that quote (even though it was never officially stated at that time). Who knows how many times Albert Einstein failed in his scientific studies? Or the number of times Thomas Edison failed while creating the light bulb? They all realized the consequences of NOT trying.
    This quote holds a deep meaning. It is a perfect example of today's teens and others growing up. I mean all teens feel the same way all the time. We are always afraid that we will fall short and eventually fail. We always give up really easily forgetting to keep in mind that failure is apart of life. Everyone has one of those horrible and embarrassing days. That shouldn't stop us from what we always been willing to do. Everyone is afraid of failing. We always forget to keep in mind what will happen if we don't try something new. If I don't go on a really high roller coaster by the time I won't be able to, who knows what fun I might've missed out on? We are so into our possible failures that we forget what would happen if we didn't even try something.
    You could be the best at something yet if you aren't willing to get better at something, you might be overtaken. In order to achieve you have to be pushing yourself. No one cares about your wins or losses, they care about what you're trying to achieve.
    To achieve you goals, you sometimes just not focus whether you're going to succeed or fail. You should instead have fun and learn something. Like that one time I wanted to try sushi. If I ended up liking and yet I never tried it, I would've missed out on something that I liked. I did try it, and I regretted it. In my opinion it didn't taste good. Yet I kept in mind the consequences if I didn't try it. I also play the guitar. It is hard. But I'm not afraid to fail. I more afraid not to try. It makes me feel good about myself.

    No one should ever give up something. If they do, who knows what they're missing out on? We should think positively all the time (unless you insist on being a pessimist). Everyone makes mistakes, but we should always make mistakes all the time. And we should be afraid of failing.

  3. Everyone deals with stress in his or her life. No one’s life is smooth sailing, and easy going. Everyone has to deal with bumps along the way. That part is already destined for you, and as much as you want to, you can’t change it. We all need to deal with hard times and stress. It helps you grow up and actually become mature. We like to let go of our stress or at least make it less by writing it down in a diary-something which I do a lot- or reading a book or doing something that we like a lot. But that sometimes doesn’t help us. Sometimes we just want to go outside and start screaming about how life can suck. But maybe we should start doing something else to alleviate our stress.
    This quote to me means that you should not be afraid to try something new and realize that you are bad at it. We should be scared if we do not want to try something. Life is something that is precious and something that only comes once. It is kind of like how we only become 13 once. Or when you look into the twinkling eyes of your long awaited sibling. Those moments you can never get back. We should live our life to the fullest, and not regret anything. We should do everything that we are scared of doing, look at everything we are scared of looking at, touch everything we are scared of touching and not back down because we are afraid that it will harm us, or it is something which is too big to do, or because we are afraid of failing. That isn’t necessary. We shouldn’t be afraid of anything like this. Even if you fail, wouldn’t you be proud to know that you did something you thought you couldn’t do? I know I would.
    No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. No one is perfect so why do people keep beating themselves up over one mistake? Granted, it is not always the person who made the mistake. They understand that they are not perfect. However, the person’s parents don’t seem to understand. Many parents constantly berate their children over a tiny mistake. I deal with the exact same problem. I strive to be the best. However, since my life isn’t gumdrops and lollipops, whenever I make a simple mistake, I get chastised for it. And then they start giving me a lecture about how they were so much better than me at my age and how they used to work so hard. I already beat myself up whenever I am not good, but when they do it, it starts to hurt and my mood is thrown off and I start acting depressed. No offense to anyone, but many Indian parents act like my parents, and most of us kids don’t understand why they act like this, even with good intentions. Our parents are not bad, and they probably don’t know that they are hurting us, but still. Is it necessary for them to do that?
    We should still remain happy and positive. Especially teens. We know that we are the beginning of our path towards life, and that gives us, more stress than needed, but remember that we should also be happy. Don’t let one mistake drive you away from what you love to do. And don’t let anyone put restrictions on what you want to do. Don’t be afraid to try anything.

  4. Have you ever feared something? Have you ever been afraid to do something thinking of what might go wrong? This is something that many would answer to as yes, even though those same people wish to answer it as no. For many people, fear is something that makes them terrified to do something. It can be anything, even as simple as riding a bike and we have all been subjected to fear. A fear that I had when I was a kid was speaking in front of large crowds. Of course now, I have gotten over that fear, and I am fine speaking in front of any number of people. Another reason people are afraid is because they think too much of what could go wrong, rather than what could go right. In a situation where a kid has to speak his lines in a school play, the kid may be afraid of what the audience, his friends, or teachers would think or say if he messed up. “What was that?” “How could you mess up like that!” or “You have given this school a horrible name!” are just a few of the things that the small kid wouldn’t be able to bear hearing. The boy has a good reason to be afraid. But would that same boy have the optimism to think that everything will go okay and of all the compliments that he will receive if he does good in the play, such as “Bravo!” “Great job, Man!” or “What a Show!”

    The most common fear that people have, in my opinion, is the fear that they will fail. They fear that they are simply not good enough, and that whatever they do will be nothing compared to what everyone else can do. This is so common that now, more people fear failing in whatever they do rather than having the optimism that they are good enough and that they will succeed in life. Unless you try, you will never be able to accomplish anything. If you are afraid that you will fail, then you have already failed. But if you try and believe in yourself, then there will never be an instance when you fail. But even if you failed, you haven’t ‘truly’ failed as you have learned something from that experience. It may be difficult, as fear clouds your judgment, your clear thinking, but if you can overcome that fear, then you will be free. Free from the cage and shackles of fear.

    My solution to this problem is very simple. Every year students go to a number of assemblies, about the same topics over and over. I understand that these assemblies are about important topics (bullying, violence, etc.), but there won’t be an increase of students changing their behavior if an assembly is held two times or a hundred times on the same topic. After two assemblies on the same topic, students will understand the topic, so why not help students’ growth by increasing the variety of topics that we discuss by having an assembly about trying and to not fear failure. Every student has the same mindset, if I get to skip class for an assembly, then “Yay”. But if we are skipping class, there has to be a good reason for it. And what better reason can there be than for a problem we all have? Fear of our failure. That is the assembly that me, and I believe, the rest of my friends would like to go to.


  5. G&T 500 Words - February

    By: Krish Desai

    “I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying.” - Michael Jordan.

    Failure is a very important aspect of human life, and anyone who’s ever tried anything new has definitely experienced it. This quote (Not the Michael Jordan one) is a powerful and abstract way of saying that you should try everything, even though you may fail horribly. Even professional basketball players, like Michael Jordan, were once beginners at the game, and definitely made mistakes, and to this day professional basketball players make mistakes. The point is, everyone makes mistakes and it is a part of human nature. This quote tells us to keep trying no matter what happens, you should try even though you know you will fail. You shouldn’t be afraid to try new things. Instead, you should accept the challenge and try to become successful and try to finish the challenge life has thrown at you. You should take every task, new or old, no matter how high the chances of you failing are, no matter how impossible the task is, and you should give it your all.

    Taking a shot is better than not doing anything because every time you take a shot, you have a chance, no matter how small, rather than not taking the shot, in which case you have a 0% chance of becoming successful. People have to stop worrying about failing, but rather not trying. People need to learn that no matter how hopeless, trying is better than doing nothing. It’s better to guess on a test rather than not putting down any answer. This is because you always have a chance to become successful. The right thing is to try rather than to not to try. Also, just because of something, such as a food, looking weird or bad doesn’t mean you’ll hate the taste! Someone may think that pasta is horrible but never tried pasta before. When these people try the pasta, they might just like it! Always remember to try, no matter how much you know you are going to fail.

    Even if you fail, you will learn from your mistakes. Mistakes are an important part of life, as you can learn a lot from them. Learning is a very important aspect of life. So trying something new can become a win-win situation! Trying means you have the chance of being successful, and if you fail, you can learn from your mistakes and in the future, you will not make the same mistakes again, or at least have a smaller chance of making the same mistake again. Mistakes are a major part of your life, and everyone makes mistakes, just remember that it’s okay to make mistakes, as long as you learn from them. Trying is very important as it can both teach us or make us successful in life.

    In conclusion, trying is very important is life as it both teaches and makes us more successful. You shouldn’t look at your past failures but your future opportunities instead. Never look back at mistakes and try and live life to the max. Always try new things, don’t be afraid not to as trying is very important! Don’t let mistakes in the past stop you from becoming a better person or from trying new things. Never let mistakes in the past stop you from doing what you love or what you want to do. Just because you failed once before doesn’t mean you will fail again! Time will go quickly - and you may never earn it back, so continue to try new things and don’t be afraid to try something new. Never be afraid to try - but rather be afraid not to try!

    Just a cool thing I found: Impossible is technically saying I am possible

  6. Every single person living in this world has failed at something. It’s a part of life, and accepting that it will happen to you is the best thing. Failures can range from very minor things to major things. No matter how bad it is, you must continue to try your best. You must get back up again, and do better. Many people who have become famous in their field of work, failed many times, but what they didn’t do was give up. After failures, many people feel deflated and like they won’t be able to do anything else. You need to take that negativity and turn it into something amazing. Prove yourself wrong.

    Sir John Gurdon won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2012. Although, when he was fifteen his science teacher told him he would never do anything. Obviously, his science teacher was wrong because he made it very far in life. Gurdon didn’t let other people dictate what he could and couldn’t do. He took all his failures and made them into something amazing. His accomplishments really inspire me. Even when you fail under your circumstances or someone else’s circumstances, you can still defy the odds. Failures in your life can actually bring positives. The next time you try, you know what not to do. Although, the key thing is trying again. In the quote, the part that says “Be afraid NOT to try.”, is a big part. After each of our failures, we can crumble and give up or we can come back stronger. Coming back stronger is the right thing to do.

    We can’t fear that we will mess up again. The only thing to fear is that we will not try again. If you think about, do people remember your failures or do they remember when you didn’t want to try? Usually people remember when you didn’t want to try. Thomas Edison had a very famous quote and it read “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” The one thing that Thomas Edison never did was give up. He kept trying over and over until he reached his goal. Since he did that, we now have light in the world. In the world, we have many people to motivate us and inspire us to do great things. If we stick with those people, we can do anything. We can’t let the fear of failure get to us. Thinking positive and not letting the barriers in our lives affect us too much will help. Remembering that we can’t fear failure because it’s a normal part of life will get us all through those times of failure. We can control if we try again and don’t give up on our goals. Giving up is the most failure you can have, and nobody wants that. With that, always try your best and don’t think about what may happen. Just try your best in everything you do.

  7. Many of us have probably experienced this at one time or another. The fear of failing can be immobilizing – it can cause us to do nothing, and therefore resist moving forward. But when we allow fear to stop our forward progress in life, we're likely to miss some great opportunities along the way. The wonderful thing about failure is that it's entirely up to us to decide how to look at it.
    We can choose to see failure as "the end of the world," or as proof of just how inadequate we are. Or, we can look at failure as the incredible learning experience that it often is. Every time we fail at something, we can choose to look for the lesson we're meant to learn. These lessons are very important; they're how we grow, and how we keep from making that same mistake again. Failures stop us only if we let them.
    It's easy to find successful people who have experienced failure. For example, star player Michael Jordan is widely considered to be one of the greatest basketball players of all time. Yet, he was cut from his high school basketball team because his coach didn't think he had enough skill. Not to mention, Warren Buffet, one of the world's richest and most successful businessmen, was rejected by Harvard University. Most of us will stumble and fall in life. Doors will get slammed in our faces, and we might make some bad decisions. But imagine if Michael Jordan had given up on his dream to play basketball when he was cut from that team. Imagine if Warren Buffet gave up on his dream of succeeding when rejected from Harvard University. Sometimes the decisions you make may impact your actions, now or in the future.
    Think of the opportunities you'll miss if you let your failures stop you. Failure can also teach us things about ourselves that we would never have learned otherwise. For instance, failure can help you discover how strong a person you are. Failing at something can help you discover your truest friends, or help you find unexpected motivation to succeed.
    Often, valuable insights come only after a failure. Accepting and learning from those past experiences is key to succeeding in life. Many of us are sometimes afraid of failing, but we mustn't let that fear stop us from moving forward. Fear of failure can have several causes: from childhood events to mistakes we've made in our adult lives. It's important to realize that we always have a choice: we can choose to be afraid, or we can choose not to be.

    --Reema Sharma (02/27/17)

  8. By - Shreesaran Satapathy

    What are words? Words are something we use to communicate is the most likely answer but words are like a sky it is like a sun and moon the first word(the moon) relies on the second word (the sun) to shine lots of light so the moon may reflect the light during night time. Words could also be like a sandwich. Now you're probably wondering how are words like a sandwich, well I'm glad you asked, words are like a sandwich because the first word “hi” is the bread “my” is the cheese “name” is the lettuce “is” is the ketchup, mustard, ranch, or whatever, and finally “shree” is the top bun completing the sandwich. Without one word your sandwich is ruined. On the rare occasion that a “word sandwich” actually does change you life do you think that it can get stronger and more life changing? Let's find out!
    “Hi how are you”. That group of words I just told you, do they have any major effect on your life or future? I suppose not , but if it does congratulations. One word probably won't have any effect on you but groups of words just might work. Now our real test hear this, “Don't be afraid to fail.” that sentence was pretty strong and could change your personality. Now if you hear this “Don't be afraid to fail. Be afraid NOT to try.” Now that sentence is around 10 times stronger. You're probably still thinking about what the quote means paying no attention whatsoever to hear anything else I say. That is why I am going to break down everything right here and right now.
    Let's work part by part, so on that note I will be starting with Don't be afraid to fail. That sentence has a great effect on all our lives but is only made up of the words don't, be, afraid, to, and fail. Separately you're probably wondering what the person is talking about. That is probably why you don't hear those words separately. Back to the point, this part of the quote means you should never give up and keep trying. Now to get to the second part of the quote “Did I say quote I totally meant words I made up because I'm certainly not trying to lure you into reading an essay about a quote by some famous person.” So now “Be afraid not to try” this part of my MADE UP WORDS is saying that you should only be afraid of not trying.
    Now for the best part. Putting them together,the whole sentence is telling you that The worst case scenario is not failing but failing because you were not even trying. Now From the looks of it we found out that more words add onto the effectiveness of the word. That can give many people more inspiration to try harder and it can become even more inspirational by adding a few more layers of toppings on your sandwich. “To tell you the truth though this whole essay really was just to get you to know what this famous quote means.” On that note now that you know my secret I’m going to end it here before you all get mad at me.

  9. Life consists of both good times and bad times. Without the bad times, you have no idea of what the good time are. Considering this, what are bad times? Generally, bad times are such including those times in which people have failed in something they have done, one way or another. They may have tried to ski, but just weren’t able to, and never considered trying again. Or, they might be too afraid to try ice-skating because they believe that they are going to trip, or just not be able to let go of the wall, and thus, fail with that mindset of theirs.

    Most things in life are left out because people believe they are to fail. Then, they never actually know due to the fact that they have never tried.

    When people are old, the most common thing they say is, “I wish I had tried -”, or “I wish I had done -”. When you become old, this should not at all be what you say, but you should think back at your life, and feel like you accomplished something and had lived it the way you wanted, considering the fact that you only live once.

    The following quote, “Don't Be Afraid to Fail. Be afraid NOT to try,” depicts exactly this. It shows how one negative incident can hold a great impact on one’s life, and whether they ever try anything. If they fail at something once, most people become so afraid that they don’t even think about trying anything else for years on end. This quote especially points out teens. Teens, at their young age, really depend on what their peers say. If their peers laugh at them or say something, they take it deep into their heart, and that isn’t always the best thing to do. One negative comment on something they can’t do is enough to set a teen afraid to do anything for the rest of their careers. So, when teens take a look at this quote, it can bring them some courage and inspiration to do whatever the thing is that they are afraid of doing, and just try it, because this quote is absolutely correct in speaking. Adults are a bit different, but they still can learn a great deal with this quote, though it doesn’t apply to them as much as it does to teens. Adults, don’t mind what their peers say as much as teens do, so they really won’t mind that fact, but moreover, the fact that they might get hurt.

    Now, little kids, on the other hand, unlike adults and teens, aren’t usually really afraid to try many things and are quite willing to do anything. When people are young, they do all sorts of crazy, rambunctious things, such as swinging backwards on monkey bars, and things of those sort. Even if a kid fails on swinging backward, they will be persistant and keep on trying, until they finally learn how to do it. Adults on the other hand, generally, would give up after a few tries, and mostly the same with teens, though this doesn’t apply to all.

    Being afraid because they feel that they are to fail isn’t what people should be thinking, but just the opposite. They should rather be afraid that they aren’t given the opportunity to try something new, and whether they fail or not is not of importance.

    When people tend to look at this quote, they believe that they need to try to do something really huge, as in learning how to drive, but this isn’t the case at all. This quote applies to both small things, as well as large. Just trying a new food can be quite an accomplishment, and whether you like it or not doesn’t matter, just the fact that you tried the food is all that matters. People believe that they will “fail” to like it, and that keeps most people from trying new foods, which isn’t much of a good reason.

  10. Aayushi Shah - Blog 6

    Remember when you were a tiny little baby and you attempted to walk? Did you swim the first time you got into the water? You almost drowned right?
    One thing that my experiences have taught me is that it's the way you react to situations that shapes you. In a difficult situation, you have couple of choices - take a positive approach towards it, just do it right or wrong, ask for help, give up, get angry, and sulk. The most likely one the majority of people do is sulk, give up and get angry. This way they lose opportunities of trying new things, gaining new experiences, finding new likes and dislikes and more. The way you should look at situations is that you are learning something new no matter what it is, you are growing, which is the best part of life. When someone is giving you a hard time, that person is creating an opportunity for you to gain an experience - an experience of dealing with people of that kind. Take it positively, say to yourself, “He/she wants to trouble me, well let's do this. Challenge Accepted!” Well, that is more dramatic of what you should react but it is true.
    Another aspect of being afraid of trying is when you feel that you possibly aren't capable of doing something, I remember my fear of water. I was 8 and my parents wanted me to learn swimming. I was the most stubborn person at that age. I would not step in the water at any cost! My parents, grandparents, cousins, and Abha, everyone tried to get me in the water. It took my teacher a while to get me in the water and it was 7 feet deep! There was a lifeguard, there were my peers around but still I had a fear in me say, “There is no way I can do it. I am going to drown”. I was so sure of that, so I always stayed in the 5 feet area. On the last day, my teacher was so determined to get me in the water, pushed me right in the 8 feet area. It was so sudden that I managed to swim across to the other end of the pool, breathlessly. He stood there grinning. “Did you drown?” There were two things that I learned that day, without trying something you can not determine whether you want to do or can do it or not. Another thing I learned was that my teacher was courageous enough to push me in the pool, knowing that when I touch that water, I would be yelling at the top of my lungs!
    Of Course! The last aspect of being afraid to try is when you give up in your very first try! That was me attempting knitting for the very first time and that too, with no one to help me! I tried to follow the manual; I kept going for the next 15 - 20 mins until I realized it was going nowhere. I did not try it again. I gave it the label of “impossible”. A few days later a friend of mine told me some very powerful words, “Did you know that ‘impossible’ is actually I am possible.” She implied to me that you are capable of doing whatever you put your heart into. That knitting kit is still on my table and I have realized that you learn things by trying again and again. The same way, when you attempt something new not necessarily you are going to do it the right way. You will make mistakes. You will mess up but you will only get it right by trying over and over again. Nothing happens in the first attempt.
    The quote “Don't Be Afraid to Fail. Be afraid NOT to try” is a very well-known, inspirational, and meaningful phrase. In fact, this phrase can be a perfect motto of life! Everyone should live this phrase.
    If you worry about your failures, you will never earn victories. I say you should worry that your success doesn't overwhelm others, not that your failures will demoralize you!

  11. The quote takes in the simplistic measures of it doesn’t matter if you don’t succeed as long as you try as hard as you can. Though, that seems a legible way to live, we have to consider it isn’t the true reason we were born into this breaking, almost corrupt world. We were put into here to do, to achieve, to SUCCEED, not to just try, and if we fail, say oh well. We are influenced to keep going until we make our stride, until we reach the point that we were looking to achieve over just going at the other one without any source of going again. The way this quote is comprehended to no one’s surprise probably is not the way I like it.
    The meaning behind it is so terrible that it just gives the common human shivers that will eat them up on the inside to their literary death. This doesn’t show the high impact that the normal quote should, yet it will not leave you thinking or questioning if it is the right view to have on the world that we see crashing and falling because of people not at all trying to go above the limits. The world needs to look beyond this quote in itself and try to exceed what is telling you to go once for! They should be portraying the better idea which is going past everything and look at it in a mixture of a pessimist and an optimist. We need to stop this madness and pull through as humans who go above ourselves.
    We all think if we close our eyes the world will fix itself, but we are just putting ourselves in a dream world, and this quote is putting itself in a dream world by just saying to try, no, we must not just try, we must force ourselves to succeed. If we act like trying is going to give us results it’s not, unless trying is what it takes for it to work.
    When they say don’t be afraid to fail, you should be afraid to fail, but you should work past your fears of failing and work harder to succeed. Failure is just a word, but the pain you will feel from it will not just go away in one day, it will take a while for any of it just to take place. Life is here to try, to dream to achieve, not to try, to dream, and to fail and act like nothing in the world matters and everything after failure is back to normal.
    After failure you only succeeded if you are shedding tears from the failures. If you really gave it your all and you still failed you will start shedding those tears, but it’s ok because next time you shouldn’t stop, but aim to get even better than what you thought was the top of it all. It isn’t time to follow that quotes, but follow your dreams and actually don’t settle for 2nd.
    - Taneesh Amin

  12. “Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid NOT to try.” Such an appealing quote could hold so much merit in our everyday lives. Everyone fails at one time or another. It is virtually an inevitable fact that we all must face in our everyday lives. The sole reason why we can’t seem to comprehend our failures is because there is a variety of different kinds of failure.
    By viewing the external world morally, you would find that every attempt we make at almost anything holds a value, no matter whether it has been proven successful or not. For example, let’s take mathematician and physicist Albert Einstein of the twentieth century into perspective. For him, life was not easy, especially since he was a Jewish man in the midst of a powerful aggression in Germany. This major obstacle prevented him from being recognized and understood by other intellectual scientists of the era; hence, he was forced through lots of failure and injustice before finally making a mark and becoming renown in the field of science. I think that this example should promote us to try our hardest, even if we are dubious of whether an actual positive effect would affect us.
    Another reason why we should look more into having a positive outlook on life is because it would act as a benevolence to us in the long run. The anonymous author of this quote is attempting to express a powerful statement on how pessimistic the majority of us humans seem to be. Instead of looking at a half-empty, half-full glass and claiming that the glass is half-empty, we should be more positive. Studies have even been conducted, indicating that a constant negative attitude for long periods of time can cause health issues both physically and in the mental state of mind. All people of all ages naturally tend to ponder and worry about what would happen if people saw you fail to excel at a certain task. Many people find it extremely challenging to accept the concept that it would never hurt if you simply try something new.
    Finally, I believe that it is quite ludicrous as to why people are really putting themselves down. Even the famous men and women who appear to be very successful in life often entered the world they are now in through constant trial and error. For example, no basketball player has ever been born with the apparent magical capability of shooting a basketball through a net. All of us have been beginners at everything we have tried, whether it is sports or even academics. The author of this quote acknowledges this, and he makes it more unique by saying that we should rather be afraid of not trying. To me, all of this makes perfect logical sense. What kind of lives would we all conduct if we were too afraid to try anything new? Even infants and toddlers had to master the ability of walking flawlessly by using trial and error.
    In conclusion, this quote was definitely inspiring for me as a whole. I had truly been engaged in what the author of this statement was trying to claim. With all of that stress seeming to overwhelm people nowadays, it seems virtually impossible to calm down and try your best. Everyone has to start with a first step—or else they would have never started walking!

    By: Sennet Senadheera
    2/28/2017 Block—3

  13. The following quote, “Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid NOT to try,” is a quote everyone should keep in mind. There are a lot of things this is applicable to. When your parents are forcing you to do something or when you are at a function and everyone is trying to make you perform, you should keep this quote in mind! Imagine this, you are being forced to give a performance, but you just get mad at everybody for not understanding your emotions. Then, your archnemesis blows everyone’s mind with her dancing skills which aren’t even that good. You just lost the chance of becoming the center of attention. By not trying you are saying goodbye to potential opportunities and possibilities.
    People are always afraid to embarrass themselves, they don’t want to try because if they fail, they feel they will never be able to face that obstacle again. People are afraid to fail because that one thing they have failed at is going to haunt them their entire life. So, what is the solution they come up with? Simply just not to try so there won’t be any chance to fail. But if Mark Zuckerberg didn’t try there would be no Facebook! Or if Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn didn’t try there wouldn’t have been internet! Imagine your life without either of these things, it is difficult isn’t it? Now, imagine what you have been missing on by simply choosing not to try?
    Teenagers, including me, always fear what other people think about us. We teenagers will only try things that our peers are trying, we don’t want to be the odd one out. We won’t do things that our parents will tell us because we don’t realize they know the best for us and we also think of those things as silly. Kids will not try things for the stupidest reasons! For instance, when I was about 9, my parent were making me eat bottle gourd, I wouldn’t eat it just because it’s color was a weird green and I strongly disliked it! I told them I wouldn’t eat it until and unless the color was changed. Now that I look back at that memory, I just laugh at myself. After I try it I know it isn’t as bad as it looks to me. I just had to try it to start liking it.
    By not trying you are not only saying goodbye to potential opportunities and possibilities, you aren’t learning. Remember last month, we had to expand on the quote by Neil Gaiman about making new mistakes? Well, it plays role here, too. It is like science, after you have performed an experiment and possibly failed the first time, you try again but this time around you are careful not to make the same mistake, you make new mistakes along the way but you learn from them and finally, you have succeeded in that experiment. You had to try hard and learn from your both old and new mistakes.
    Apply this quote to your life, try everything, or later you might hear yourself saying these words of regret, “I wish..” or “Why didn’t I...” Grab the opportunity when you have it. Try your best, but most importantly “Don’t be Afraid to Fail. Be Afraid NOT to try.
    -Abha Shah

  14. Failure and fear are things every single person experiences, some more than others. Many people often fear failure itself, and thus don't bother trying to do things. However, not trying in the first place is worse than failing itself. If you try, at least you put effort into it, but not trying it at all simply because you're afraid of the possibility of failing is worse than trying and failing. You could miss out on life changing opportunities and experiences just because you're afraid of failing. The quote "Don't Be Afraid to Fail. Be afraid NOT to try." describes just that.
    The quote encourages us to stop being afraid of failing. It encourages us to, instead, be afraid of not trying. It encourages us to be afraid of what can happen if we don't bother trying, of what we could miss out on, of what we could regret not doing later on in life. Being afraid of failure won't benefit us in the slightest, but being afraid of not trying can.
    A fear of failure can weigh someone down and prevent them from doing things that could benefit them. Suppose someone enrolled in a writing contest where the first place prize was a scholarship. If they're afraid of failing it, they'd avoid doing it and miss out on a chance to win a scholarship. However, if they're afraid of what would happen if they didn't enter, they would participate. They might be the first place winner, and they might not be. Even if they don't win, they still had the experience and, consequently, grew as a person.
    Dozens of successful people have failed, but that didn't stop them. Take Walt Disney, for example: his newspaper editor once told him that he "lacked imagination and had no good ideas". Dr. Seuss and Stephen King both had their first book rejected by publishers. Even Einstein was thought to be mentally handicapped and dropped out of school. If any of these people had given up, they wouldn't have accomplished what they did. Even if you fail, it's still possible to succeed. After failing, you can either give up or work harder to overcome it and succeed. Obviously, the better decision would be to do better and succeed.
    As people grow older, they may tend to look back at their life and wonder what they could have done to improve it. They may wonder what would have happened if they tried doing something and regret not doing it. In order to avoid regretting not turning lemons into lemonade, one should take chances and face the fact that they may fail. This way, at least they'll recall how they tried doing it, even if they failed. You only live life once, so it's important to make the most of it.
    What people need to take away from this quote is that they shouldn't be afraid of failing something. They should be afraid of not bothering to even try it. If they fail, they have the opportunity to learn from their mistakes, and if they succeed, they can be proud that they weren't afraid of failing. You can't succeed at everything you try, but if you don't try anything, you can't succeed at all.

  15. Although quotes can be frivolous and gaudy things, especially meaningless ones, they can also be a great source for inspiration and motivation. After all, there must be some reason just why the quotes of famous people such as Einstein and Martin Luther King have had such an impact on the general society. A quote is not just a sentence, it’s a statement that resonates with a majority of people, and gets the reader to really think what the speaker is trying to get across to them. As a result, I find it interesting to analyze quotes, from what the author’s purpose is to how exactly said quote is written.
    “Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid to not try.” Is an example of a quote that gets the brain working. What does it mean? These two simple sentences are just that, two sentences. Then why is the impact so powerful? The fact is, most people in life lose sight or reach of their goals and opportunities due to fear of failure. What if you didn’t get a job? What if you flunked the test? The human brain is built in a way that immediately brings most of our thoughts to the worst-case scenarios, especially in stressful situations. However, these instances are also when we need to make the most important decisions. We can’t be afraid of failure. We should treat it like an old friend. Embrace it, learn from it, and move on. Even if you keep dwelling on the past, time will keep moving, and before long, you’ll that you’re the one who’ll have to catch up with it.
    On the contrary, the second half of this quotes say “Be afraid to not try.” Needless fear of failure is one thing, but fear of trying is even worse. You can look past failures, and slowly heal the scars. However, once a chance at success is gone, it’s gone forever. That one situation will never pass you be again. Ironically, fear of failure is usually what keeps people from taking chances and trying new things out. We only have such a short time to achieve all our dreams and ambitions in life, so why waste so much of it worrying and staying ‘safe’? Live in the present, not for the future. Before you know it, that future could be gone, and all your wishes would be unfulfilled.
    This quote explains what exactly you should be most afraid of in life. Not of failure, but of not trying. Think of it like this. If you at least try, there’s at least some chance of it leading to success. However, if you don’t try at all, there is no chance at all. Change your mindset to think positively. Maybe you would get into your dream college. Maybe you would make the soccer team. You never know until you try. You were born to seek happiness, so why keep yourself from it? This quote is telling you to strive to be a better person, learn from your mistakes, and always, always keep on trying.


  16. The quote “Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid NOT to try.” is something you should always keep in mind. One thing that we should all realize is that we all make mistakes, we can all fail, but we should always try. It is understood that failing is bad, but sometimes it happens. You should not lose hope because you can always try and fix your mistakes.
    No human is perfect, for each of us make mistakes. If you don’t make mistakes, how will you learn? You cannot stop yourself from mistakes. Mistakes are part of life. There was one time where I got seven wrong on a math homework. Later on, as the teacher taught the topic clearly, I realized that in the process of solving the problem, I was mixing up a step. Therefore, I learned from my mistake, and when I did a similar question, I got it correct!
    It is natural for us humans to be shy or scared to do something in public. We always think, “What if I do this wrong?” or “What if people laugh at me for making a mistake?” This is tend to happen to everyone. This is an example of being afraid to try something. Do not be afraid to fail or make mistakes, just try, because, at the end, you are going to learn something new.
    No human has ever succeeded without making mistakes. Bill Gates made mistakes and so did Larry Page! If you don’t believe me search it up on Google!
    Failing. People think that failing is the worst thing ever. If the smartest student fails on a test, he/she will be angry and upset. They don’t find their mistakes and learn from them. It isn’t bad to fail. You should find your mistakes and try again. Trying is not going to harm you. When I was six years old, I was scared of plugging in a charger cord because it deals with electricity. I would always make someone else plug in the charger for me. I overcame this fear by trying. I tried to plug in the charger. My attempt was successful!! I was not afraid to try.
    Many people are afraid to try or fail something because they don’t want their image to be ruined. They wonder about what other people will say about them. All of us should realize that it is doesn’t matter what other people think about us. It is his/her opinion and that opinion will not affect you in any way.
    We all think that certain things are impossible to do, but if you try, everything is possible. When trying to do something you might make a mistake here and there, but something important for all of us humans to realize is that we should not be afraid of failing and we should not be afraid of trying. It is all part of life.

    By: Aditi Parekh

  17. Aditya Katariya :D
    Blog #6

    Failure is a part of the game of Life. It’s going to happen sooner or later in any scenario varying from grades, to sports or even a driving test! I mean, nobody is perfect! Even someone like Albert Einstein had his flaws! But failing is what gives us the motivation to get right back up in the game and score the last touchdown, goal, hoop, or home run!
    Along the road, there are going to be some hardships and troublesome challenges but that is what it will encourage us more to win. A person never knows how winning feels like, until they’ve lost. Plus, even if it does feel like failing improbably going to be the result, at least try it! Like the quote that was given, you’ll never know if you have a talent for something until you try. You don’t know if you do good at cooking until baking a recipe yourself! You won’t know if you can actually make goal in soccer unless you kick that ball! And so you failed at whatever that you want to accomplish! So what! That doesn’t mean that you can’t do it anymore! Get up, dust yourself off, and try it again! Everything can be learned with some practice and motivation.
    Personally, I know what it feels like to be afraid of losing. I remember, this one time my friend requested me to join in a basketball game. I non-willingly accepted to make my friend enlightened, knowing that I had rarely ever played the sport and only joined to make the teams both an even number (without me, the teams would have been 3 people against 4). As we started playing, you could say I wasn’t exactly the best player and lacked much skill (I tried shooting my first shot and it bombarde from place to place, finally going into a nearby recycling box, that’s how bad I was). After a couple of rounds of playing, I got the hang of it and was actually shooting decent shots! Finally, the score was 18 to 20 (my team with the disadvantage). The winning score had to be 21 points and I knew that if my boys and I didn’t make it in this possession, the other team would easily score a hoop. Fate was not particularly on my side, knowing that the ball was in my hand, an opponent player was coming swiftly at me to block me and the fact that I had to make a 3-pointer, a shot that was farther away from the 2-pointers I was usually making. But it’s not like fate couldn’t be changed! Final score: 21 to 20!
    Besides hardships and challenges and obstacles, there are going to be people. Plain, ol’ people who underestimate and discourage others. They’ll call you “loser” and “dweeb” and everything else but inside, remember to never give up or go back on your word! Somebody might have called you a failure! So whatever! Even if they do, find the courage to prove them wrong!

  18. February Blog #6

    Have you guys ever went to Walt Disney World? I’m sure you know the founder, Walt Disney! But, did you know that before fame, he often got rejected or fired because of a lack of imagination? In fact, he was turned down 302 times before financing Disney World! I know, that is a HUGE number of rejections. Walt Disney has always worked so hard, and after 302 rejections, he finally went on the path to success (or the path to Walt Disney World! ;) ). Even though he failed many, many times, he wasn’t afraid to fail, and kept on trying.

    “Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try”. When I think of this saying, I think that it means that you should always try, even if you know you are going to fail. I also think that it is saying to never give up. This applies to everything in life: getting good grades, trying experiments for your science class, to get a job, or making it into a group that teaches at a higher level.

    Let’s think of another example. Imagine that your school is hosting their annual science fair, and your experiment is to figure out what ingredients mixed together can make an explosion. First, you mix baking soda with water in a beaker. Nothing happens to the mixture. You shouldn’t give up on the first try, or you might regret it. You then mix baking soda, water, and vinegar. The mixtures rises a little, little foam here or there, but no explosion. You then get a rush of determination flowing through your body. You mix the baking soda with vinegar, then shake it a little. Can you guess what happens next? You got it! A huge explosion was made. You can see foam flying everywhere. That’s a fun thing to think about, isn’t it?

    Think about it. If you want to be successful in life. You should always keep trying. I was always doing average in math class, and I used to be one of those people with the lowest test grades in math. But I kept working hard and I have finally gotten an ‘A’ on my math test! In conclusion, you should always keep trying, and never give up!

    ~Sneha Saravanan

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. WOW! I can tell that these quotes really get you guys thinking! Awesome!

  21. “Don't Be Afraid to Fail. Be afraid NOT to try.” To me, this quote simply reminds me to never give up. When I first saw this quote, I had to read it over. I thought there was a typo. When I read it again, and thought about it, I realized what it actually meant. I interpreted this quote and tried to understand the meaning. This is what I thought about it.

    First, I think that this means that you should always try no matter how hard a particular task is. You shouldn't slack out of the challenge and just give up. You should give it your best. Once you have give it your best, you shouldn’t have to fear of anything like what is I don’t win the the challenge or what is I don’t get what I wanted. But, you should be afraid if you don’t try to begin with. You should make sure that you give it your all.

    At first I also thought this meant to never give up because if you think about the quote it is kind of saying not to fear if you fail. I think it is trying to get to the point that you could always try to do something at another time, but you should always try it at first.

    This quote could also mean that you should take all the opportunities you get, and try to make the best of all of them. You shouldn’t miss any opportunities. I doesn’t matter if you don’t get what you want on the first try. There is always a second chance, therefore, “Don't Be Afraid to Fail.”

    Overall, I think this quote is very important to understand because it can be very inspirational to an individual. I think this quote has a lot of convincing power for those that don’t like to try. I feel like this quote can convince someone to get up and actually do something in their life. Also, I really liked the way the quote was said. How the person said in a unique way. Instead of straight up saying something like “Take all the opportunities you get”, the person said in a different way, with gives it a different type of power in the quote. I think that this quote should be read and understood by everybody. Especially those people that are lazy and don’t want to do anything in their life. Those people that always depend on others for getting their work done. I thought this quote could have meant three different things, don’t fear failing, don’t give up, and don’t miss any opportunities. All three of these interpretations could have been the meaning of this quote. And, all of them are inspirational as well.

  22. Never be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try can only mean to try because if you never try, You’ll never know if You’re going to succeed or fail. This quote means a lot to me since I’m a person who’s afraid of losing. I don’t try because I know if I don’t succeed, it’ll hurt.
    In elementary, I was always praised for getting questions right. I was given the chance to choose prizes from the box for getting As. Every year, I was the very first to receive the Character Ed award from my class. I was the one, others wanted in their team. Everything used to be so simple, filled with success. That success led me to believe that I was the smartest person ever, that no one is as important as me. And people who fail, don’t try hard enough because if they’d tried, they wouldn’t have failed.
    Then came middle school, the life changer of all. No bodies become the talk of the school. People who used to yell at each other, afraid of catching cooties, starts to hold hands and kiss. Everyone changed, so I tried to change myself, hide myself from all the drama. So, I became quiet, a person who stays in the background waiting for someone to pull me out of there and bring to the front. Except no one did, and I kept disappearing. Time kept going and changing, but I was unaware of how uncool I became. The time came for ugly sweater contest, and I as always participated, confident that I’ll win since I worked so hard. But, I didn’t. That day, I came home storming, and cried till night, not believing that I failed, that I didn’t win something. Something to someone who never succeeded. From that day on, I stayed away from activities that I somehow thought I’d fail at. That other would laugh at me.
    Time kept passing, and another school year started. A year I wasn’t looking forward to at all, afraid that I’ll fail and disappoint my parents even more. But, I met this girl, who wasn’t afraid to try anything. She raised her hand, even after getting wrong answers. She jogged during P.E, giving no care to those who laughed at her. She ran for the seventh grade president afraid getting defeated last year. She lost the elections again. I thought she’ll give up, but she didn’t. She became more determined, and is all prepared to run for the elections next year as well.
    The girl I’m talking about is Reema. She really taught me how to live, and that You can’t be the desired every time. By following her I started to raise my hand, jog without the care of what people think when I run, and I even joined a debate club, a club I wanted to join for forever, but was afraid of looking stupid.
    To me failing wasn’t what I was afraid of. I was afraid of what others would think. How they would treat me if I fail. And I believe this is what others are afraid of as well. And by following Reema, I learned that one shouldn’t care about people who would treat you based on your status and position on the matter. One should only care about the ones who makes them feel special, and who lets us do what we want, not what makes them happy. This quote means a lot to me, and I’m even thinking about running for president next year, after all future politicians shouldn’t be afraid of losing an election, instead they should try. And if they fail, they should try over and over until they succeed because that just proves how best they tried.

  23. The quote Don't Be Afraid to Fail, Be afraid NOT to try means a lot to me. But first what does it mean. To me this quote means that when u do something don't be afraid that you are going to fail or get a low grade on an assignment, but instead try your hardest, and if you do that then a reward will be in your favor. Think of it like an input device that you probably learn in 3rd or 4th grade. You put in great amount of effort, out comes good grades and no yelling from your parents.I practically use this whenever I do any type of work. For example, let's say i'm taking a math test and of course I don't want to fail it. Instead of panicking like most of my friends do I take a deep threat and think positive things like, i'm NOT going to fail, or i’ll do fine. So when I take the test i’m confident and most likely get a good grade.
    This quote can be interpreted many different ways. To some other people they may think like it means to not give up or failing is apart of life. And I think those work too. Because like I said it can mean not to give up or stay determined. In the same situation with the test let's say I have encountered a really hard question or I forgot how to solve the problem. Now instead of panicking like most of my friends do i would have studied the problem and slowly figure out how to do it. Hopefully it ends with happy endings but you know that's not guaranteed.
    The last way I think to understand the quote is that failing is apart of life. This is very true. I can’t find an instance where this ISN’T true. This is how it works. First you make a really bad mistake, like having paper next the oven. Oven catches paper on fire and now you're running for your life. Your parents see what you have done scold at you and probably ground you. Now you know that to NEVER leave your homework next to a stove. Wait here’s the best part. You go to school and find out the homework was due next week so your good. Now back to the main point now you learned your mistake and hopefully you don’t make that mistake again. You failed big time but you learned something which really counts. Not to try to burn your house down.
    In conclusion this is my insight on what this quote means to me and actually in reality I don't think that many people take this quote and actually listen to it which I think should change. Sniff! Sniff! You smell that it smells like burning… uh oh!
    (I really liked the idea of the fire and mini story in my head so that's why I added it just in case of your curiosity)
